Original Xocolatè
Ancestral Aroma
Cacao Science
Regenerative Cholateers
Cacao activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System responsible for Relaxation, Calmness, & Mood Enhancement.
Cacao contains more than 1,200 active ingredients, & 10% of its dry weight is Antioxidants. Whereas Coffee activates the Sympathetic System; the Fight or Flight system that tells your body it’s under attack.
Cacao is also a rich source of magnesium, iron, chromium, sulfur, copper and zinc.
A Beautifull property of Kakao has to do with Tryptophan & Sertonin, that allows Brain Functions &Heart Coherence- Feelings of Well-Being.

Our Project to weave with indigenous communities & amplify there voices
Behind the Scenes
Pop-Up Kakao Bars
A New Wave of Education, Infusing, Prayer, Dance Ritual, Visionary Art, Primal Music, Ancestral Wilderness Skills- Supporting Cleaner Diets, & Kinnection to the Land.
Mama Kakao aka Original Chocolate Is providing this new gateway to Socializing, & ‘Sober Partying’.. She is taking Space As the new ‘Drug aka Medicine’ ..The Deep Science Is here that supports her tremendous Nutritional Value & Heart Medicine that our Ancestors already Knew & Celebrated Daily.. As we Gather W/ Mama Kakao, let’s Play.. as a form of Prayer
Delivery Info
*Bring package immediately inside upon delivery to keep cacao From melting

For any questions please message- cacao@kakaokode.com